Yesterday I was talking to my sister about my mom's wedding dress. My mom gave it to my sister and sent it to her a few days ago {it had been stored away in my mom's basement}. I love this dress :) The color is so pretty and I also love that my mom bought her dress only three months before her wedding in 1976 in Colorado. Last night my sister took some photographs for me and it fits my sister's dress form perfectly!
images from my sister
This looks remarkably like my mom's wedding gown, AND like my mother in laws! Must have been something in that 1970's water...
I'm very sad to say that my mom let us wear her gown for several halloweens in a row, and we totally trashed it. i wish i still had it because it would make an awesome fun throwback portrait session...
did your dad by any chance wear brown at their wedding?
:) I think my dad did wear brown but I'm not sure. When I go home for Christmas I'll have to look at their pictures!
Missy this is so sweet of you to put my dress on your blog. And yes many brides in the 1970's wore this style of what was then called a "granny dress". I guess we thought they came from an era a century before and now we are in the next century already. Well fashion is supposed to recycle every 20 years I think.
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